
Monthly Archives: October 2014

Speech #4- What is Halloween?


Topic:  With Halloween just around the corner, the students were asked to pretend that an alien family is visiting planet Earth and they have no idea what Halloween is and what it entails. Halloween is when you get treats From other peaple. You celabrate Halloween because People would get candy, have fun, and dress up. […]

Speech #3- What I Want to Be & Favorite Day


Topic #1: What do I want to be when I grow up? When I grow up,  want to be a Artist. I love all tipes of Art. I like: paint, crayons, paper, clay, glass, and glitter. I can make: Glassfushin, Snowflakes, Pinch pot, yarn, Glittering picture like a Glittering snowflake. Topic #2:  “My favorite Day”. […]

Speech Class #2- Favorite Snack

Note from Mommy: One of the things that I wish I excelled at was public speaking. Since it’s such a valuable skill to have, we signed up K for an after school Public Speaking program.  Each week, K is tasked to write a speech and deliver it to her class. I thought it would be […]